The Benefits of Meditation

Vibe Tribe

When people hear the term spirituality, they often think of monks meditating in a beautiful temple, wearing colorful robes. Although that isn’t all spirituality is (although I would like one of those robes) meditation is a big and important part of the practice. You might be wondering how sitting cross legged on the floor can benefit you in life.          Well pexels-photo-372281.jpeghere are some ways:

  • Relieve stress

We all experience some form of stress in our day to day lives. Whether it’s a demanding boss, screaming kids, or running errands. We’re on the go all the time and forget to check in with ourselves. Meditation is proven to reduce stress and anxiety levels in people of all ages. It introduces tranquility and balance into our lives. This can help you manage day to day tasks more effectively.

  • Health

Meditation has also been proven to decrease depression, improve…

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पीपल के पत्ते

बिखर आये पतझङ के मौसम में
लाल, पीले, भूरे , शुष्क होते पत्ते
उङते गर्दो-गुबार से धूल धुसरित थे।
तभी गर्म , तेज़ हवा के झोंके ने
अश्वत्थ की ङालियों को हिला दिया
अौर पर्णपाती…. पत्तों का झङना शुरू हो गया।
अद्भुत नज़ारा था –
मृत गोल -गोल, घुमते- नाचते
गिरते, झङते, पीपल के पत्ते मानो
खुशी मनाते…….
सूफी दरवेश नृत्य कर रहे हों ।
मृत्यु वरण करते इन पर्ण -पत्तों में
यह हौसला कहाँ से आया?

Positive Psychology

The aim of Positive Psychology is to catalyze

a change in psychology from a preoccupation

only with repairing the worst things in life to

also building the best qualities in life.

~~Martin Seligman