Resolution Bank – 2

Here is a list of Resolutions for new year.

Select them as per your choice or add the ones you find important to your list of resolutions. It will help us in getting a happy and positive life and balance our flow of happy hormones.


* Train your mind to think positive.
* Think and write positive things of your life.
* When feeling negative shift attention on other things.
* Do not run away , but  face the Challenges.
* Express your heart.
* If possible, develop close friendship.
* Express Gratitude: Say “thank you” n feel thankful for everything you have.
* Grow Hope.
* Enrich relationships and cultivate positive emotions.
*Cultivate kindness. People who care for others on a consistent basis seem to be happier and   less depressed.
* Be caring
* Do yoga / walk / exercise for sound body & sound mind
* Meditate
*Take deep breath – It will increase oxygen level and hence energy in you.


Have a wonderful last day of the year and Happy New year !!!!!!